Virginia Beach & El Fin

After a bit more driving, we finally landed in the open arms of Jackson’s family in Virginia Beach. His brother Alex and sister in law Lara opened their doors to us, two traveling dirtbags. 

They took us to Norfolk Botanical Garden, and we biked to the beach, enjoying nice mid-summer days and cold ice cream. 

Such a trip has been a dream of mine since the first time I’ve seen pictures of American West by Ansel Adams in National Geographic. In 2015 I moved to NYC on a whim, but never had a good opportunity and resources to undertake it. Nevertheless, I kept dreaming, and in June 2020 in the midst of an Apocalypse, my dream came true. 

I recognize that in big part it happened thanks to the adventurous spirit of a wonderful human being (Jackson Eagan) who happened to support my madness. I can’t possibly express how happy I am and how much I appreciate you. Thank you for doing this with me. Thinking back to all of these memories I still can’t fully believe we did it. 

The journey is not over! 


Thanks to our wonderful friends and family who supported us. Ana Tomen, Nancy Jarvis & Todd Thompson, David Eagan, Alex & Lara Eagan, Spencer in Memphis, SLC Astronomical Society, Fly Fishermen society in UT, Sergey Sarkissian in SLC, … and of course Jackulya! <3


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